- monogeneous
- mono·ge·neous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
monogeneous — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at mono +|jēnēəs, nyəs adjective Etymology: mon + Greek genea + English ous 1. : developing without cyclic change of form used especially of the Monogenea 2. : monogenous … Useful english dictionary
monogeneity — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷jə̇ˈnēəd.ē, ətē, i noun ( es) Etymology: monogeneous + ity : the quality or state of being monogeneous … Useful english dictionary
Endofunction — In mathematics, an endofunction is a function whose codomain is a subset of its domain.Let S be an arbitrary set. Among endofunctions on S one finds permutations of S and constant functions associating to each xin S a given cin S. Every… … Wikipedia
monogenesis — n. singleness of origin; theory that all human beings derive from one man and woman, or that all life derives from a single cell; asexual reproduction; development without change of form. ♦ monogeneous,, ♦ monogenetic, ♦ monogenic,… … Dictionary of difficult words