- monolithism
- mono·lith·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
monolithism — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌiˌthizəm noun ( s) Etymology: French monolithisme, from monolithe + isme ism : the quality or state of being monolithic where political monolithism inevitably leads Saturday Review … Useful english dictionary
monolith — monolithism, n. /mon euh lith/, n. 1. an obelisk, column, large statue, etc., formed of a single block of stone. 2. a single block or piece of stone of considerable size, esp. when used in architecture or sculpture. 3. something having a uniform … Universalium
accordance — Synonyms and related words: acclamation, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, acquiescence, acquittal, acquittance, adaptation, adaption, adherence, adjustment, affinity, agape, agreement, agreement of all, alikeness, alliance, amity, analogy,… … Moby Thesaurus
calm — Synonyms and related words: abnegation, abstinence, accordance, allay, alleviate, anticyclone, appease, assuage, at peace, at rest, aweless, balm, balmy, becalm, blank, blankminded, bloodless, calm down, calmness, cease, cloistered, collected,… … Moby Thesaurus
consistency — Synonyms and related words: accommodation, accord, accordance, acquiescence, adaptation, adaption, adhesiveness, adjustment, affinity, agreement, apposition, aptness, assent, balance, bilateral symmetry, bullheadedness, calm, chorus, clarity,… … Moby Thesaurus
consonance — Synonyms and related words: accord, accordance, affinity, agreement, alliteration, assent, assonance, attune, attunement, blank verse, calm, chime, chiming, chorus, clink, coherence, coincidence, compatibility, concentus, concert, concord,… … Moby Thesaurus
constancy — Synonyms and related words: abidingness, accordance, adherence, adhesion, age, allegiance, antiquity, aplomb, application, assiduity, assiduousness, attachment, balance, balanced personality, bona fides, bond, bonne foi, bulldog tenacity, calm,… … Moby Thesaurus
continuity — Synonyms and related words: accordance, action, anagnorisis, angle, architectonics, architecture, argument, atmosphere, background, book, calm, catastrophe, ceaselessness, characterization, chattering, chronology, color, coming after,… … Moby Thesaurus
correspondence — Synonyms and related words: ESP, PP, RD, RFD, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, account, acquiescence, adaptation, adaption, adjustment, affinity, agape, agreement, airmail, alikeness, alliance, amity, analogy, annals, answer,… … Moby Thesaurus
equanimity — Synonyms and related words: accordance, aplomb, assurance, ataraxy, balance, calm, calmness, composure, confidence, consistency, consonance, constancy, continuity, coolness, correspondence, detachment, equability, equilibrium, equipoise, evenness … Moby Thesaurus