- morganize
- mor·gan·ize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
morganize — v.t. do away with secretly; burke … Dictionary of difficult words
morganize — ˈmȯ(r)gəˌnīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: William Morgan died 1826? American Freemason allegedly murdered by Freemasons for threatening to publish the secrets of Freemasonry + English ize : to assassinate or do away with secretly in… … Useful english dictionary
assassinate — v 1. kill, slay, morganize, poison, do to death, liquidate, blot or wipe out, put an end to, get rid of, do away with, put away, put out of the way, silence, dispatch, finish, finish off, do for, fix, settle, lay [s.o.] out, lay [s.o.] low, Inf.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder