

English syllables. 2014.

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  • morphophonemics — [môr΄fō fə nē′miks] n. [ MORPHO + PHONEMICS] 1. the study of phonemic variations in morphemes 2. description of such variations in a particular language morphophonemic adj …   English World dictionary

  • morphophonemics — noun plural but singular in construction Date: 1938 1. a study of the phonemic differences between allomorphs of the same morpheme 2. the distribution of allomorphs in one morpheme 3. the structure of a language in terms of morphophonemics …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • morphophonemics — /mawr foh feuh nee miks, foh nee /, n. (used with a sing. v.) Ling. 1. Also called morphonology, morphophonology. the study of the relations between morphemes and their phonological realizations, components, or mappings. 2. the body of data… …   Universalium

  • morphophonemics — n. (Linguistics) study of speech sound realization including the forms of a morpheme of a language; changes in the way a word is pronounced by allomorphs of morphemes as they are changed by adjacent sounds (eg. dog >dogs) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • morphophonemics — mor•pho•pho•ne•mics [[t]ˌmɔr foʊ fəˈni mɪks, fə foʊˈni [/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) 1) ling. the study of the relations between morphemes and their phonological realizations, components, or mappings 2) ling. the body of data concerning these… …   From formal English to slang

  • morphophonemics — /ˌmɔfoʊfəˈnimɪks/ (say .mawfohfuh neemiks) noun 1. the study of the phonological variation of morphemes as they appear in different contexts. The negative prefix in shows such variation in inelegant, impossible, illegible. 2. the structure… …  

  • morphophonemics — noun the study of the phonological realization of the allomorphs of the morphemes of a language (Freq. 9) • Hypernyms: ↑descriptive linguistics …   Useful english dictionary

  • Morphophonology — (also morphophonemics, morphonology) is a branch of linguistics which studies, in general, the interaction between morphological and phonetic processes. When a morpheme is attached to a word, it can alter the phonetic environments of other… …   Wikipedia

  • Leonard Bloomfield — (* 2. April 1887 Chicago; † 18. April 1949 New Haven) war ein US amerikanischer Linguist und der maßgebliche Vertreter des amerikanischen Strukturalismus in der Sprachwissenschaft. Sein Hauptwerk Language gilt als das bedeutendste… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • morphophonemic — adjective of or relating to morphophonemics (Freq. 4) • Pertains to noun: ↑morphophonemics • Derivationally related forms: ↑morphophoneme * * * /mawr foh feuh nee mik, foh nee /, adj. Ling. noting or pertaining to morphophonemics or… …   Useful english dictionary

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