- mosetene
- mo·se·te·ne
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mosetene — … Useful english dictionary
South American Indian Language Groups, Table — ▪ Table Only languages attested linguistically are included. Extinct languages are shown in italics. A number in parentheses after the name of a group indicates a possible relationship with the group identified by that number. Languages are… … Universalium
Mosetén (Sprache) — Mosetén (Chimané, Tsimané) Gesprochen in Bolivien Sprecher ca. 5.000 (Stand von 2000) Linguistische Klassifikation Isolierte Sprachen Mosetén … Deutsch Wikipedia
Мосетен — Самоназвание: tsinsimik (1Pl речь) Страны: Боливия … Википедия
Chimane people — The Tsimane (Chimane) are an indigenous ethnic group in lowland Bolivia, living in the Pilon Lajas Reserve in the Beni Department. The Tsimané are said to number around 15,000, but an actual number is difficult to ascertain due to them living… … Wikipedia
moseteno — noun see mosetene … Useful english dictionary