- mountained
- moun·tained
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
mountained — ˈmau̇ntənd, tə̇nd adjective Etymology: mountain (I) + ed archaic : heaped as high as a mountain the mountained sea William Falconer … Useful english dictionary
Kumari Kandam — ( ta. குமரிக்கண்டம் Kumarikkaṇṭam ) is the name of a legendary sunken landmass said to have been located to the south of present day Kanyakumari District at the southern tip of India in the Indian Ocean. The legend assigns the continent and its… … Wikipedia
Demonland — The Worm Ouroboros country Flag … Wikipedia
Du gamla, Du fria — English: Thou ancient, Thou free National anthem of Sweden Lyrics Richard Dybeck, 1844 … Wikipedia
Kamino-shima — is the double mountained northern end of Tsushima Island, which lies in the Korea / Tsushima Straits between the East China Sea to the south and the Sea of Japan to the north, and Korea to the west and mainland Japan to the east. The famous naval … Wikipedia
knobby — Synonyms and related words: alpen, alpestrine, alpigene, alpine, burled, gnarled, gnarly, hilly, knobbed, knobbly, knoblike, knotted, knotty, knurled, knurly, lumpy, monticuline, mountained, mountainous, nodal, noded, nodiform, nodose, nodular,… … Moby Thesaurus
mountainous — Synonyms and related words: Atlantean, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean, Gargantuan, Herculean, Homeric, abysmal, alpen, alpestrine, alpigene, alpine, amplitudinous, astronomic, astronomical, awesome, boundless, bulky, colossal, cosmic, craggy,… … Moby Thesaurus
rolling — Synonyms and related words: acrobatics, advance, advancement, advancing, aerobatics, alpen, alpestrine, alpigene, alpine, angular momentum, angular motion, angular velocity, axial motion, banking, billowing, billowy, black spot, bloom, blooping,… … Moby Thesaurus