- apriorism
- apri·o·rism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
apriorism — APRIORÍSM s.n. Concepţie filozofică potrivit căreia ar exista cunoştinţe apriorice. [pr.: pri o ] – Din germ. Apriorismus, fr. apriorisme. Trimis de ana zecheru, 02.10.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 APRIORÍSM s. (FILOZ.; la Kant) transcendentalism. Trimis … Dicționar Român
Apriorism — A pri*o rism, n. [Cf. F. apriorisme.] An a priori principle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apriorism — index prolepsis Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
apriorism — apriorist, n. aprioristic /ay pruy euh ris tik/, adj. aprioristically, adv. /ay pruy awr iz euhm, ohr , ay pree , ah pree /, n. Philos. belief in, or reliance upon, a priori reasoning, arguments, or principles. [1870 75; prob. trans. of D… … Universalium
apriorism — noun The idea that some knowledge of the physical world can be derived logically from general principles … Wiktionary
apriorism — n. priori principle … English contemporary dictionary
apriorism — n. philosophical belief that knowledge based on general principles may be used to evaluate experience … Dictionary of difficult words
apriorism — ˌ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˈōrˌizəm, ˈȯˌri noun ( s) Etymology: probably translation of Dutch apriorisme 1. : belief in a priori principles or reasoning; specifically : the doctrine that knowledge rests upon principles that are self evident to reason or are… … Useful english dictionary
Zaid Orudzhev — Zaid Melikovich Orudzhev Born April 4, 1932 (1932 04 04) (age 79) Baku, Azerbaijan … Wikipedia
Praxeology — is a framework for modeling human action. The term was coined and defined as The science of human action in 1890 by Alfred Espinas in the Revue Philosophique, but the most common use of the term is in connection with the work of Ludwig von Mises… … Wikipedia