- murrhine
- mur·rhine
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Murrhine — Mur rhine, a. [L. murrhinus, fr. murrha: cf. F. murrhin.] Made of the stone or material called by the Romans murrha; applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups; as, murrhine vases, cups … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
murrhine — [mʉr′in, mʉr′īn] adj. [L murr(h)inus < murr(h)a < Iran, as in Pers mori, glass ball] of an ancient Roman semiprecious stone, variously believed to be fluorite, agate, etc., used for making vases and drinking cups: also sp. murrine … English World dictionary
Murrhine glass — Murrhine Mur rhine, a. [L. murrhinus, fr. murrha: cf. F. murrhin.] Made of the stone or material called by the Romans murrha; applied to certain costly vases of great beauty and delicacy used by the luxurious in Rome as wine cups; as, murrhine… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
murrhine glass — 1. glassware believed to resemble the murrhine cups of ancient Rome. 2. a ware composed of glass in which metals, precious stones, or the like are embedded. * * * murrhine glass, 1. glassware supposed to resemble the ancient Roman. 2. glassware… … Useful english dictionary
murrhine glass — 1. glassware believed to resemble the murrhine cups of ancient Rome. 2. a ware composed of glass in which metals, precious stones, or the like are embedded. * * * … Universalium
murrhine glass — /ˈmʌraɪn glas/ (say muruyn glahs) noun 1. any kind of glassware supposedly resembling the Roman cups of murrhine. 2. a ware composed of glass in which metals, precious stones, or the like are embedded …
murrhine — /merr in, uyn/, adj. of, pertaining to, or manufactured of murra. Also, murrine. [1570 80; < L murr(h)inus, for Gk mourríne, equiv. to mórr(ia) murra + ine fem. n. suffix; see INE1] * * * … Universalium
murrhine — /ˈmʌraɪn/ (say muruyn), / rən/ (say ruhn) adjective 1. relating to a stone or stone like substance of Roman times used for wine cups and other vessels. –noun 2. the substance. Also, murrine. {Latin murr(h)inus} …
murrhine — a. applied to transparent glassware containing pieces of coloured glass; n. such vase, or one made of valuable stone or porcelain … Dictionary of difficult words
murrhine — … Useful english dictionary