

English syllables. 2014.

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  • myself — has two main roles: (1) as a reflexive pronoun in which the object of the action is the same as the speaker (I managed to restrain myself / I was put in a room by myself), (2) as an emphatic pronoun reinforcing the simple pronoun I (I began to… …   Modern English usage

  • Myself — Beschreibung Frauenzeitschrift Sprache Deutsch Verlag Condé Nast Verlag (Deutschland) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • myself — [mī self′, məself′] pron. [ME meself < OE me sylf: see ME & SELF] a form of I2, used: a) as an intensifier [I saw it myself] b) as a reflexive [I hurt myself] c) with the meaning “my real, true, or normal self” [I am not myself today ] (in… …   English World dictionary

  • Myself — My*self , pron.; pl. {Ourselves}. I or me in person; used for emphasis, my own self or person; as I myself will do it; I have done it myself; used also instead of me, as the object of the first person of a reflexive verb, without emphasis; as, I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Myself — Album par Jolin Tsai Sortie 10 août 2010 Durée 39:10 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • myself — (pron.) c.1500, alteration of meself, from O.E. phrase (ic) me self, where me is a kind of ethical dative [OED], altered in Middle Ages from meself on analogy of herself, with her felt as genitive; though analogous hisself remains bad form …   Etymology dictionary

  • myself — ► PRONOUN (first person sing. ) 1) (reflexive ) used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself as the object of a verb or preposition when he or she is the subject of the clause. 2) (emphatic ) I or me personally. 3) literary term for I(Cf. ↑I) …   English terms dictionary

  • myself — /muy self /, pron., pl. ourselves /ahr selvz , oweur , ow euhr /. 1. (used as an intensive of me or I): I myself will challenge the winner. 2. (used reflexively in place of me as the object of a preposition or as the direct or indirect object of… …   Universalium

  • myself — my|self [ maı self ] pronoun *** Myself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of I. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the speaker or writer who is the subject of the sentence or is mentioned… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • myself */*/*/ — UK [maɪˈself] / US pronoun Summary: Myself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of I. It is used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the speaker or writer who is the subject of the sentence or is mentioned… …   English dictionary

  • myself — [[t]maɪse̱lf[/t]] ♦♦ (Myself is the first person singular reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON A speaker or writer uses myself to refer to himself or herself. Myself is used as the object of a verb or preposition when the subject… …   English dictionary

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