- nagid
- na·gid
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
NAGID — (Heb. נָגִיד, pl. נְגִידִים; Ar. raʾīs al yahūd), the head of the Jewish community in Islamic countries (except under abbasid rule where Jewry was led by the exilarchs ). In the Middle Ages, beginning with the tenth century, there were negidim… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Nagid — Nagid, (Hebrew: נגיד), is a Hebrew term meaning a prince or leader. This title was often applied to the religious leader in Sephardic communities of the Middle Ages, generally in Egypt. Among the individuals bearing this title are the following … Wikipedia
Nagid — hebräischer Ursprung, Bedeutung: Herrscher, Prinz … Deutsch namen
nagid — … Useful english dictionary
SAMUEL HA-NAGID — (Ismail ibn Nagrelʿa; 993–1055 or 1056), vizier of granada , statesman, poet, scholar, and military commander. The meteoric rise and political and military career of Samuel ha Nagid marks the highest achievement of a Jew in medieval Muslim Spain … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Schmuel ha-Nagid — oder Schmuel ibn Naghrela (auch Samuel Ibn Nag(h)rela, * 993 in Córdoba; † 1056) war Großwesir des Königreichs von Granada und einer der bedeutendsten jüdischen Dichter des mittelalterlichen Spanien.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk … Deutsch Wikipedia
Samuel ibn Nagrela (Ha-Nagid; Ibn Nagdela; Ibn Nagrela; Samuel ha-Nagid) — (933 1055) Spanish statesman, scholar and military commander. Born in Cordoba, he was forced to flee the city in 1013 and opened a spice shop in Malaga. He joined the staff of King Habbus, the Berber ruler of Granada, and was later appointed… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Samuel ha-Nagid — (also known as Ismail ibn Nagrela) (993–1055 or 1056) Spanish statesman and scholar. In the Moslem court of Granada, Samuel ha Nagid was for thirty years in command of both domestic and foreign affairs. Originally a merchant from Córdoba,… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
JEHOSEPH (Joseph) HA-NAGID — (1035–1066), vizier of Granada, son of samuel ha nagid . In his youth he already displayed superior talents. His distinguished father supervised his education, and was particularly concerned that his son have a perfect knowledge of the Arabic… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Samuel ha-Nagid — ▪ Spanish Jewish scholar and statesman Arabic Ismail Ibn Nagrelʿa born 993, Córdoba, Spain died 1055/56, Granada Talmudic scholar, grammarian, philologist, poet, warrior, and statesman who for two decades was the power behind the throne… … Universalium