- namby-pambyism
- nam·by-pam·by·ism
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
namby-pambyism — “+ˌizəm noun ( s) : namby pambiness … Useful english dictionary
namby-pamby — namby pambiness, namby pambyism, n. namby pambyish, adj. /nam bee pam bee/, adj., n., pl. namby pambies for 4. adj. 1. without firm methods or policy; weak or indecisive: namby pamby handling of juvenile offenders. 2. lacking in character,… … Universalium
namby pamby — Synonyms and related words: Milquetoast, baby, banal, bathetic, bathos, beery, betwixt and between, big baby, bland, bleeding heart, breakable, brittle, cheap jack, chicken, cloying, cloyingness, cobwebby, crumbly, crybaby, dainty, delicate,… … Moby Thesaurus
bathos — Synonyms and related words: anticlimax, bleeding heart, cloyingness, comedown, goo, hearts and flowers, heaviness, heaviness of heart, heavy heart, heavyheartedness, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, mushiness, namby pamby, namby pambyism, namby… … Moby Thesaurus
bleeding heart — Synonyms and related words: aching heart, agony, agony of mind, anguish, bale, bathos, bitterness, bowels of compassion, broken heart, brokenheartedness, cloyingness, compassionateness, crushing, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair,… … Moby Thesaurus
goo — Synonyms and related words: albumen, bathos, batter, bleeding heart, bonnyclabber, butter, cab, clabber, cloyingness, cornstarch, cream, curd, dope, dough, egg white, gaum, gel, gelatin, glair, glop, glue, gluten, gook, goop, gruel, gumbo, gunk,… … Moby Thesaurus
hearts-and-flowers — Synonyms and related words: bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, goo, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, mushiness, namby pamby, namby pambyism, namby pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania, oversentimentalism, oversentimentality, romanticism, sentiment,… … Moby Thesaurus
mush — Synonyms and related words: airing, amble, bathos, bazoo, bleeding heart, breakfast food, butter, cataplasm, cereal, chaps, chops, cloyingness, constitutional, cornflakes, countenance, crush, dental pulp, dial, dry cereal, embouchure, face,… … Moby Thesaurus
mushiness — Synonyms and related words: bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, doughiness, flabbiness, fleshiness, goo, hearts and flowers, mashiness, maudlinness, mawkishness, mush, namby pamby, namby pambyism, namby pambyness, nostalgia, nostomania,… … Moby Thesaurus
nostalgia — Synonyms and related words: Heimweh, aching, bathos, bleeding heart, cloyingness, daydream, daydreaming, desiderium, goo, hankering, hearts and flowers, homesickness, honing, languishing, languishment, longing, mal du pays, maladie du pays,… … Moby Thesaurus