Naph|ta|li — «NAF tuh ly», noun. 1. the sixth of Jacob s twelve sons (in the Bible, Genesis 30:7 8). 2. the tribe of Iael that claimed him as ancestor … Useful english dictionary
naph|tha|line — naph|tha|lene or naph|tha|line «NAF thuh leen, NAP », noun. a white, crystalline hydrocarbon made by distillation from coal tar or petroleum, used in making moth balls, dyes, explosives, lubricants, and disinfectants. Formula: C10H8 ╂[<… … Useful english dictionary
naph|tha|lene — or naph|tha|line «NAF thuh leen, NAP », noun. a white, crystalline hydrocarbon made by distillation from coal tar or petroleum, used in making moth balls, dyes, explosives, lubricants, and disinfectants. Formula: C10H8 ╂[< naphtha + al(cohol)… … Useful english dictionary
naph|tha|len|ic — «NAF thuh LEHN ihk, NAP », adjective. of or derived from naphthalene … Useful english dictionary
naph|tha — «NAP thuh, NAF », noun. 1. a liquid made by distillation from petroleum, coal tar, or natural gas, used chiefly as fuel and to take spots from clothing; petroleum naphtha. Naphthas, which are also used as solvents and in making varnishes, are… … Useful english dictionary
naph|thene — «NAF theen, NAP », noun. any one of a group of saturated ring hydrocarbons having the general formula CñH2ñç, occurring in certain petroleums; cycloparaffin. ╂[< naphth(a) + ene] … Useful english dictionary
naph|the|nic acid — «naf THEE nihk, THEHN ihk; nap », any one of various oily liquids obtained from petroleum, used in certain soaps, paint driers, and fungicides … Useful english dictionary
naph|thol — «NAF thohl, thol; NAP », noun. 1. either of two isomeric crystalline substances occurring in coal tar, and derived from naphthalene by the substitution of a hydroxyl ( OH) radical for a hydrogen atom. Both are used in making dyes and as… … Useful english dictionary
naph|thyl|a|mine — «naf THIHL uh meen, nap », noun. a highly toxic crystalline substance, with two white to reddish isomeric forms, used in dyes or as dye intermediates. Formula: C10H9N ╂[< naphth(alene) + yl + amine] … Useful english dictionary
naph|tol — «NAF tohl, tol; NAP », noun. = naphthol. (Cf. ↑naphthol) … Useful english dictionary