- nasial
- na·si·al
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
nasial — ˈnāzēəl adjective Etymology: New Latin nasion + English al : of or relating to the nasion … Useful english dictionary
nasion — nasial, adj. /nay zee on /, n. Craniom. the intersection of the internasal suture with the nasofrontal suture in the midsagittal plane. [1885 90; < NL, equiv. to L nas(us) NASO + Gk ion, dim. suffix] * * * … Universalium
nasion — /ˈneɪziən/ (say nayzeeuhn) noun Anatomy the intersection of the suture dividing the nostrils with the nasofrontal suture, in the mid sagittal plane. {New Latin, from Latin nāsus nose} –nasial, adjective …
nasion — [nā′zē än΄] n. [ModL < L nasus, NOSE] in craniometry, the point in the skull at which the suture between the two nasal bones meets the suture between these and the frontal bone nasial adj … English World dictionary