Black as pitch

  • 71pitch-black — /pich blak /, adj. extremely black or dark as pitch: a pitch black night. [1590 1600] * * * …


  • 72black — adj., noun ADVERB ▪ very ▪ The sky looks very black. ▪ all, completely, entirely ▪ His hands were all black from messing with the car …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 73pitch — 01. The drunk man suddenly [pitched] headfirst over the railing, and into the water. 02. The little boy [pitched] three straight strikes against the last batter, winning the baseball game. 03. It was [pitch] black outside at the campsite when we… …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 74pitch blackness — noun total absence of light they fumbled around in total darkness in the black of night • Syn: ↑total darkness, ↑lightlessness, ↑blackness, ↑black • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 75pitch-dark — /ˈpɪtʃ dak/ (say pich dahk) adjective black or dark as pitch. Also, pitch black …

  • 76Black Mountains (North Carolina) — Geobox|Mountain Range name=Black Mountains category= image caption=View over Black Mountains from Blue Ridge Parkway, 2002 country=United States state=North Carolina parent=Appalachian Mountains border= highest=Mount Mitchell highest elevation… …


  • 77Black Rock Forest — Geobox|Protected Area name = Black Rock Forest native name = other name = category = Nature reserve etymology = Magnetite deposits in forestcite web|title=Geology|url= the forest/the… …


  • 78Black-billed Magpie — Taxobox name = Black billed Magpie regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Corvidae genus = Pica species = P. hudsonia binomial = Pica hudsonia binomial authority = Sabine, 1823The Black billed Magpie is… …


  • 79Black billionaires — This article refers to actual or incipient billionaires (as measured by U.S. dollars) who have some degree of black ancestry. Not everyone in this article is considered black by all definitions. According to the 2008 Forbes International… …


  • 80Black Honeyeater — A male on a Jacaranda …
