Cover with fog
1fog — fog1 [fôg, fäg] n. [prob. < Scand, as in ON fok, Dan (sne)fog, driving snow, Norw dial. fuka, sea mist < IE base * pū , to puff up, blow, of echoic orig.] 1. a large mass of water vapor condensed to fine particles, at or just above the… …
2fog — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a thick cloud of water droplets or smoke suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth s surface restricting or obscuring visibility. b obscurity in the atmosphere caused by this. 2 Photog. cloudiness on a developed negative… …
3fog — fÉ‘g ,fÉ”g /fÉ’g n. haze, mist, mass of small droplets of water in the air which reduce visibility; confusion; blurring; hazy appearance, cloudiness (on photographic film); aftergrass, grass that grows after the initial crop has been mown… …
4fog — fog1 fogless, adj. /fog, fawg/, n., v., fogged, fogging. n. 1. a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Cf. ice fog, mist, smog. 2. any darkened state of… …
5fog — I. noun Etymology: probably back formation from foggy Date: 1544 1. a. vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground b. a fine spray or a foam for firefighting 2 …
6fog — [[t]fɒg, fɔg[/t]] n. v. fogged, fog•ging 1) mer a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility 2) any darkened state of the atmosphere, or the diffused substance… …
7Fog collection — refers to the collection of water from fog using large pieces of vertical canvas to make the fog condense into droplets of water and flow down towards a trough below the canvas.Technical explanationThrough a process known as condensation,… …
8fog — ► NOUN 1) a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth s surface which obscures or restricts visibility. 2) a state or cause of perplexity or confusion. 3) Photography cloudiness obscuring the image on a… …
9cover — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth put on/over sth ADJECTIVE ▪ protective ▪ removable, reversible ▪ leather, plastic ▪ dust …
10cover — cov|er1 W1S1 [ˈkʌvə US ər] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(hide/protect)¦ 2¦(layer)¦ 3¦(include)¦ 4¦(distance)¦ 5¦(area)¦ 6¦(news)¦ 7¦(money)¦ 8¦(insurance)¦ 9¦(guns)¦ 10¦(sport)¦ …