Dramatic performance
1Greek Tragedies as Plays for Performance , David Raeburn
This is a unique introduction to Greek tragedy that explores the plays as dramatic artifacts intended for performance and pays special attention to construction, design, staging, and musical… 7717.99 руб электронная книга2The Front-Line Leader. Building a High-Performance Organization from the Ground Up , Chris Gorder Van
Real leadership that leads to high engagement, higher performance, and a culture of accountability As president and CEO of Scripps Health, one of America's most prestigious health systems, Chris Van… 1821.11 руб электронная книга3The School Leadership Playbook. A Field Guide for Dramatic Improvement , Jean Desravines
A proven framework for whole-school improvement The School Leadership Playbook is a practical guide for education leaders looking to push their school's and students'achievement to the next level… 1622.74 руб электронная книга4The Oxford Shakespeare: Henry VI. Part 1 , Shakespeare William (2008)
Henry VI: Part One is a dramatic tale of the lives of soldiers, diplomats, kings, and insurrectionists. It depicts the fractious instability of the court and nobility of fifteenth-century England… 528 руб5The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays , Oscar Wilde (2008)
Oscar Wilde was already one of the best known literary figures in Britain when he was persuaded to turn his extraordinary talents to the theatre. Between 1891 and 1895 he produced a sequence of… 493 руб6Macbeth , Shakespeare William (1997)
This is the most extensively annotated edition of Macbeth currently available, offering a thorough reconsideration of one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. A full and accessible introduction… 369 руб7Nanoscale CMOS. Innovative Materials, Modeling and Characterization , Francis Balestra
This book provides a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in the development of new and innovative materials, and of advanced modeling and characterization methods for nanoscale CMOS devices… 21150.85 руб электронная книга8Insight , Eurich T. (2018)
Research shows that self-awareness is the meta-skill of the 21st century– the foundation for high performance, smart choices, and lasting relationships. Unfortunately, we are remarkably poor judges… 740 руб9Measure for Measure , Shakespeare William (2006)
Since the rediscovery of Elizabethan stage conditions early this century, admiration for Measure for Measure has steadily risen. It is now a favourite with the critics and has attracted widely… 1139 руб10The Tempest , Shakespeare William (2013)
The Tempest is one of the most suggestive, yet most elusive of all Shakespeare's plays, and has provoked a wide range of critical interpretations. It is a magical romance, yet deeply and… 1139 руб