
  • 121gloweringly — See glower. * * * …


  • 122ghel- — I. ghel 1 To call. 1. a. yell, from Old English gellan, giellan, to sound, shout; b. yelp, from Old English gielpan, to boast, exult; c. nightingale, from …


  • 123frown — frowner, n. frowningly, adv. /frown/, v.i. 1. to contract the brow, as in displeasure or deep thought; scowl. 2. to look displeased; have an angry look. 3. to view with disapproval; look disapprovingly (usually fol. by on or upon): to frown upon… …


  • 124lower — lower1 lowerable, adj. /loh euhr/, v.t. 1. to cause to descend; let or put down: to lower a flag. 2. to make lower in height or level: to lower the water in a canal. 3. to reduce in amount, price, degree, force, etc. 4. to make less loud: Please… …


  • 125pout — pout1 poutful, adj. poutingly, adv. /powt/, v.i. 1. to thrust out the lips, esp. in displeasure or sullenness. 2. to look or be sullen. 3. to swell out or protrude, as lips. v.t. 4. to protrude (the lips). 5. to utter with a pout …


  • 126scowl — scowler, n. scowlful, adj. scowlingly, adv. /skowl/, v.i. 1. to draw down or contract the brows in a sullen, displeased, or angry manner. 2. to have a gloomy or threatening look. v.t. 3. to affect or express with a scowl. n. 4. a scowling… …


  • 127Nernst, Walther Hermann — born June 25, 1864, Briesen, Prussia died Nov. 18, 1941, Muskau, Ger. German scientist, one of the founders of modern physical chemistry. He taught at the Universities of Göttingen and Berlin until forced to retire in 1933 by the Nazi regime.… …


  • 128glore — verb a) to glare b) to glower …
