Greek or Latin

  • 121Latin gamma — The letter unicode|Ɣ (minuscule: unicode|ɣ) is a letter of the Latin alphabet based on the Greek letter gamma (γ). Unlike the Greek gamma, the Latin gamma may have serifs, and its majuscule form is based on the minuscule. It is used to represent… …


  • 122Latin School of Indianapolis — The Latin School of Indianapolis served from 1955 to 1978 as a pre seminary boys high school for the Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis. During its first two academic years the Latin School operated as part of [http://www.cathedral… …


  • 123greek calends — noun plural or greek kalends Usage: usually capitalized G Etymology: translation of Latin kalendas graecas (in ad kalendas graecas solvere to go without paying, literally, to pay at the Greek calends); from the fact that the Greeks did not reckon …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 124Greek — Greek1 [gri:k] adj relating to Greece, its people, or its language ▪ Greek yoghurt Greek 2 Greek2 n [Date: 800 900; : Latin; Origin: Graecus, from Greek Graikos] 1.) someone from Greece 2.) [U] the l …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 125Latin names of mountains — Users of Neo Latin have taken the Latin language to places the Romans never went; hence a need arose to make Latin names of mountains that did not exist when Latin was a living language.trategies for constructing Latin names:See companion… …


  • 126Latin — 1. adjective /ˈlæt.ɪn,ˈlæt.ɪn,ˈlæt.ən/ a) Of or relating to the language spoken in ancient Rome. Africa was the natural leader because there the number of Christians who were of Roman origin and Latin speech was probably far greater than in so… …


  • 127Greek Catholic Diocese of Oradea Mare — The Greek Catholic diocese of Oradea Mare was founded in 1777, followers of the Greek Rite having been up to that time under the jurisdiction of the Latin bishop. Originally the see was a suffragan of Esztergom (Gran); when, however, in 1853 the… …


  • 128Latin League — ▪ Roman history       an alliance of Latin communities that formed in opposition to Etruscan Rome (ancient Rome) at the end of the 6th century BC. By that time the Etruscan rulers of Rome had established a de facto hegemony over the Latin… …
