Sudden flight
1The Flight , Gazdanov G. (2016)
First English translation of this novel by the author of The Spectre of Alexander Wolf. While summering on the French Riviera, the young Seryozha secretly becomes the lover of the much older Liza … 1161 руб2Last Night in Twisted River , John Irving (2010)
In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, an anxious twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable's girlfriend for a bear. Both the twelve-year-old… 545 руб3Hopscotch , Devlin Denyse (2007)
Kadie Kingston is a young woman in flight and in pursuit. For reasons too awful to think about, she's running from Milenko, the glorious Croatian she is due to marry. And she's chasing her best… 626 руб4Last Night in Twisted River , John Irving (2010)
In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, an anxious twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable`s girlfriend for a bear. Both the twelve-year-old… 705 грн (только Украина)