Triune God

  • 51John Scottus Eriugena and Anselm of Canterbury — Stephen Gersh INTRODUCTION by John Marenbon John Scottus Eriugena came from Ireland, as his name indicates (‘Scottus’ meant ‘Irishman’ in the Latin of this period, and ‘Eriugena’, a neologism invented by John himself, is a flowery way of saying… …

    History of philosophy

  • 52Icon — This article is about the religious artifacts. For other uses, see Icon (disambiguation). The Ladder of Divine Ascent icon showing monks ascending to Jesus in Heaven, top right. 12th century, St. Catherine s Monastery …


  • 53Propitiation — In Christianity, Propitiation is a theological term denoting that by which God is rendered propitious, i.e., that satisfaction or appeasement by which it becomes consistent with His character and government to pardon and bless sinners. The… …


  • 54Biblical cosmology — See also: Religious cosmology The various authors of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh, or Old Testament) and New Testament provide glimpses of their views regarding cosmology. According to the Genesis creation narrative, the cosmos created by Elohim has… …


  • 55Jürgen Moltmann — (born April 8, 1926) is a German Protestant theologian. Moltmann s Youth Moltmann was born in Hamburg, Germany. He described his German upbringing as thoroughly secular. His grandfather was a grand master of the Freemasons. At sixteen, Moltmann… …


  • 56Messianism — is the belief in a messiah, a savior or redeemer. Many religions have a messiah concept, including the Jewish Messiah, the Christian Christ, the Muslim Mahdi and Isa (Islamic name for Christian Jesus), the Buddhist Maitreya, the Hindu Kalki and… …


  • 57Missional living — is a Christian term that describes a missionary lifestyle; adopting the posture, thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with the gospel message. The missional church movement is a church renewal movement… …


  • 58Incarnation (Christianity) — The Incarnation is the belief in Christianity that Jesus Christ is the God of Israel in the flesh. The word Incarnate derives from Latin (in=in, carnis=flesh) meaning “In the flesh.” The incarnation is a fundamental theological teaching of… …


  • 59College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac — Motto Truth in Love Established 1939 Type PrivateCatholic school Affiliations PAASCU Princ …


  • 60Penal substitution — is a theory of the atonement within Christian theology, especially associated with the Reformed tradition. It argues that Christ, by his own sacrificial choice, was punished (penalised) in the place of sinners (substitution), thus satisfying the… …
