Unlawful sexual intercourse

  • 91Fuck — This article is about the profanity. For other uses, see Fuck (disambiguation). Fuck is an English word that is generally considered obscene which, in its most literal meaning, refers to the act of sexual intercourse. By extension it may be used… …


  • 92LGBT rights in Pakistan — Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transsexual person is a considered a taboo vice in the Muslim dominated Islamic Republic of Pakistan and gay rights are close to non existent. Due to the religious intolerance towards such acts, the country s… …


  • 93Religion and sexuality — For other uses, see Religion and sexuality (disambiguation). Most world religions have sought to address the moral issues that arise from people s sexuality in society and in human interactions. Each major religion has developed moral codes… …


  • 94Sodomy — François Elluin, Sodomites provoking the wrath of God, from Le pot pourri de Loth (1781). Sodomy (pronounced …


  • 95National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality v Minister of Justice — National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Another v Minister of Justice and Others Court Constitutional Court of South Africa Full case name The National Coalition for Gay and …


  • 96Age of consent — For other uses, see Age of consent (disambiguation). Sex and the law Social issues Age of consent · Antisexualis …


  • 97Prostitution in Pakistan — is a taboo culture of sex trade that exists as an open secret although being illegal. Prostitution is largely based in organisational set ups like brothels or furthered by individual call girls. Sex trade is deemed illegal due to the declaration… …


  • 98Abuse — This article is about the mistreatment of people or systems. For other uses, see Abuse (disambiguation). Mistreat redirects here. For other uses, see Mistreat (disambiguation). Contents 1 Types and contexts of abuse 1.1 …


  • 99Genophobia — is the physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse. The word comes from the Greek terms genos, meaning “offspring,” and phobos, meaning “fear.” Genophobia can also be called coitophobia. This word is also formed from… …


  • 100Castle doctrine — A Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal doctrine arising from English common law[1] that designates one s place of residence (or, in some states, any place legally occupied, such as one s …
