adequate supply

  • 31Water supply and sanitation in Mozambique — Access Only about 43% of the Mozambican population has access to an improved source of water supply, and only 32% has access to adequate sanitation. Consequences on living conditions are multiple, ranging from poor health to lower productivity… …


  • 32Water supply and sanitation in Iran — has witnessed some important improvements, especially in terms of increased access to urban water supply, while important challenges remain, particularly concerning sanitation and service provision in rural areas.Institutionally, the Ministry of… …


  • 33Water supply network — Public infrastructure …


  • 34Water supply and sanitation in Mexico — While many Mexican water supply and sanitation service providers rank among the best in Latin America, in general, the Mexican water and sanitation sector is characterized by the following issues (i) poor technical and commercial efficiency of… …


  • 35Micro credit for water supply and sanitation — is an innovative application of micro credit to provide loans to small enterprises and households in order to increase access to an improved water source and sanitation in developing countries. While most investments in water supply and… …


  • 36Water supply and sanitation in Guyana — Source: [ Housing LivingArrangements.pdf Guyana 2002 Census] , p. 129Other sources of water supply for non potable uses include rainwater catchment (5%); public standpipes or pumps (3%); private… …


  • 37Water supply and sanitation in Rwanda — Source: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2002, p. 51 and p. 25, quoting the 2001 inventory of rural water supply systemsDespite favorable rainfall, little use is made of rainwater harvesting, except by a few health centers and churches.Concerning …


  • 38Grain supply to the city of Rome — The megalopolis of ancient Rome could never be fed entirely from its own surrounding countryside, especially as this region was increasingly used to produce fruit, vegetables and other perishable goods, and also taken up with the villas and parks …


  • 39Water supply and sanitation in Costa Rica — Costa Rica has made significant progress in the past decade in expanding access to water supply and sanitation, but the sector faces key challenges in low sanitation connections, poor service quality, and low cost recovery. Access Source : Joint… …


  • 40Water supply and sanitation in Paraguay — Despite many years of concerted efforts and achievements in expanding coverage and improving service sustainability, many issues remain to be addressed in the water and sanitation sector. Key issues include: (i) a low level of coverage for both… …
