
  • 91lessen — v 1. abate, decrease, diminish, lower, mitigate, bate; subside, ebb, let up, moderate, tail off, intermit, relax, slacken, remit; approach an end, come to a close, wind down, slow down, die down. 2. decline, fall off, taper off, wane, fade away;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 92mitigate — v alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen, weaken; abate, let up, slacken, remit, relax; allay, assuage, Rare. lenify, palliate; appease, soothe, Archaic. attemper, relieve, ease, soften, cushion, mollify, lighten; smooth over, calm, compose,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93moderate — adj 1. reasonable, within reason, judicious, just, sober, rational, sensible; temperate, controlled, restrained, regulated, limited; continent, disciplined, abstinent, sparing, frugal; light, occasional, sporadic; self controlled, steady, calm,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 94mollify — v 1. soften, mellow, gentle, meeken; relax, loosen, ease up, let up on; subdue, tame, smooth down, tone down; pacify, calm, compose, tranquilize, lull, soothe, still, quiet, hush; appease, Archaic. attemper, placate, dulcify; solace, console,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 95pacify — v 1. quiet, calm, tranquilize, lull, soothe, compose, comfort; alleviate, relieve, palliate, allay, assuage; mitigate, abate, moderate, temper, lessen. 2. appease, placate, pacificate, Archaic. attemper; humor, dulcify, mollify, soften; reconcile …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 96palliate — v .1. extenuate, minimize, make light of, soft pedal, tone down, play down, downplay; justify, excuse, rationalize, apologize for, make allowances for; whitewash, cover up, gild, color, varnish, gloss over, smooth over, veneer; lighten, soften,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 97propitiate — v 1. conciliate, appease, accommodate, compromise, adjust; yield, submit, surrender, concede, give in, cave in, accede to demands. 2. placate, pacificate, Archaic. attemper; assuage, mollify, dulcify, soothe, Brit., Australian. dill, Rare. lenify …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 98reconcile — v 1. conciliate, resign, let pass, submit to, yield to; accommodate oneself to, accept, condone, overlook; make the best of, not make an issue of, make the most of, rise above; take things as they come, Inf. roll with the punches, grin and bear… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 99relent — v 1. bend, yield, give, unbend; give way, ground, submit, comply, resign, acquiesce, succumb; face the music, swallow the pill, take it, obey, take it lying down, put up with; not resist, not rock the boat, not make waves, keep the peace; remit,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 100salve — n 1. healing ointment, lotion, oil, balm, liniment, unguent, embrocation, demulcent, Pharm. cerate; lenitive, Med. abirritant, Med. emollient. 2. remedy, curé, restorative, antidote, neutralizer; sedative, tranquilizer, Med. calmative, narcotic,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder