be disseminated through

  • 51Criticism of Windows Vista — This article is about the criticism that applies specifically to Vista. For criticism applying to several or all versions of Microsoft Windows, see Criticism of Microsoft Windows. This article is part of a series on Windows Vista New features… …


  • 52History of media studies — This article outlines the history of media studies.Chicago SchoolThough not yet named as such, media studies’ roots are in the Chicago School and thinkers such as John Dewey, Charles Cooley and George Mead. These authors saw American society on… …


  • 53Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science Rampur, Nepal — The Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) is the only agricultural institute under Tribhuvan University in Nepal for training in agriculture and animal sciences. The IAAS traces its origin to a school of agriculture, established in… …


  • 54Okichitaw — Okimakhan Lépine demonstrating a technique Focus grappling Country of origin …


  • 55Liebknecht, Karl — born Aug. 13, 1871, Leipzig, Ger. died Jan. 15, 1919, Berlin German socialist leader. Son of Wilhelm Liebknecht, he became a lawyer and a Marxist. In 1912 he entered the Reichstag and led the opposition to Germany s pre World War I policy. In… …


  • 56Dentistry for babies — is a branch of Pediatric dentistry related to the dental treatment provided to children from birth to around 36 months of age, aiming to maintain or re establish a good oral health status, at the same time as it creates a positive attitude of… …


  • 57Full employment — In macroeconomics, full employment is when all people looking for employment can find a job. The majority of mainstream economists believe that the unemployment rate is greater than 0% when there is full employment, corresponding to the technical …


  • 58Military intelligence — Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient Medieval Gunpowder Industrial …


  • 59World Values Survey — Type Non profit association Founded 1981 Location …


  • 60Stockholm International Peace Research Institute — (SIPRI) is an organization that conducts scientific research into questions of conflict and cooperation of importance for international peace and security, in order to contribute to an understanding of the conditions for peaceful solutions to… …
