be in a pucker

  • 121rumple — I. v. a. Wrinkle, crumple, crease, crush, pucker, corrugate. II. n. Wrinkle, crumple, pucker, rimple, crease, corrugation, fold …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 122wrinkle — I. n. 1. Furrow, crease, fold, plait, gather, pucker, rumple, corrugation, rimple. 2. (Colloq.) Notion, whim, fancy, whimsey, caprice, crotchet, vagary, freak, quirk, maggot. II. v. a. Corrugate, crease, rumple, cockle, pucker, crumple …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 123wrinkle — 1. noun 1) fine wrinkles around her mouth Syn: crease, fold, pucker, line, crinkle, furrow, ridge, groove; informal crow s feet, laugh line 2) the project has some wrinkles to iron out Syn: difficulty …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 124crease — n 1. ridge, groove, furrow, corrugation, crimp; fold, dog ear, plication, plicature, ruck; wrinkle, line, crow s feet; rimple, crinkle, crankle, crumple, rumple; gather, ruffle, pucker, tuck, pleat, plait; ripple, bump, bulge, roll, protrusion,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125crimp — v 1. flute, ruffle, scallop, bend; wave, ripple, curl, friz, frizzle, crimple; corrugate, furrow, groove, ridge, striate; press, crease, seam, pleat, plicate, plait; wrinkle, crinkle, cockle, crumple, knit, pucker, gather, smock, tuck. 2. hinder …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126furrow — n 1. groove, rut, trench, ditch, fosse; hollow, cut, track; channel, dike, gutter, trough, canal; sulcation, flute, rib, ridge; line, seam, pucker, fold; score, scratch, gash, streak. 2. wrinkle, crow s foot, crease, contraction, rimple, rumple,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127gather — v 1. collect, accumulate, heap up, pile, pile up, stack up; amass, cumulate; glean, take in, pull in, harvest, reap; pick, pick up, rake up, bag; cull, sort out, pick out; hoard, garner, store up, stock up, lay by, lay up, lay in, Inf. stash away …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128plait — n 1. braid, plat, pigtail, twist, queue, cue. 2. pleat, fold, plication, plicature, ruck; crease, line, wrinkle, ridge, groove, furrow, corrugation, crimp, flute, ruffle; gather, shirr, pucker, tuck, dart, v 3. braid, plat, pleat, weave, twill;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder