be in a pucker

  • 21pucker — verb Pucker is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑face Pucker is used with these nouns as the object: ↑brow, ↑lip …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 22pucker — [16] The etymological notion underlying pucker seems to be of forming into ‘pockets’ or small baglike wrinkles (the same idea led to the use of the verb purse for ‘wrinkle, pucker’ – now dated in general usage, but fossilized in the expression… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 23pucker —   Puku, pu u.   Also: mōkio, liki, ānuhenuhe, ho o i ika, hō ekeke i.    ♦ To pucker the lips, pu u ka waha, minoi, mīnoinoi, kaniuli.    ♦ To pucker and unpucker the lips, piolo …

    English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • 24pucker — [16] The etymological notion underlying pucker seems to be of forming into ‘pockets’ or small baglike wrinkles (the same idea led to the use of the verb purse for ‘wrinkle, pucker’ – now dated in general usage, but fossilized in the expression… …

    Word origins

  • 25pucker — 1. verb To pinch or wrinkle; to squeeze inwardly, to dimple or fold. 1914 The conduct of the white strangers it was that caused him the greatest perturbation. He puckered his brows into a frown of deep thought. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan of the …


  • 26pucker — Synonyms and related words: abbreviate, agitation, all overs, angst, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, befuddlement, bewilderment, bother,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 27pucker\ factor — The degree to which one is in mortal terror while excecuting a dangerous task. Term credited to USAF A 10 pilots flying ground attack missions during The Gulf War. So, I m ridin in Bobby s new Vette and he takes this corner at like 110 mph… …

    Dictionary of american slang

  • 28pucker\ factor — The degree to which one is in mortal terror while excecuting a dangerous task. Term credited to USAF A 10 pilots flying ground attack missions during The Gulf War. So, I m ridin in Bobby s new Vette and he takes this corner at like 110 mph… …

    Dictionary of american slang

  • 29pucker — [[t]pʌ̱kə(r)[/t]] puckers, puckering, puckered V ERG When a part of your face puckers or when you pucker it, it becomes tight or stretched, often because you are trying not to cry or are going to kiss someone. Toby s face puckered... [V n] She… …

    English dictionary

  • 30pucker — 1. verb she puckered her forehead Syn: wrinkle, crinkle, crease, furrow, crumple, rumple, ruck up, scrunch up, corrugate, ruffle, screw up, shrivel 2. noun a pucker in the sewing Syn: wrinkle, crinkle …

    Thesaurus of popular words