become fainter and fainter

  • 131wa´ver|ing|ly — wav|er1 «WAY vuhr», noun. a person or thing that waves. wa|ver2 «WAY vuhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to move to and fro; flutter. 2. to vary in intensity; flicker: »a wavering light. 3. to grow fainter, then louder, or change pitch up and down fairly …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 132wa´ver|er — wav|er1 «WAY vuhr», noun. a person or thing that waves. wa|ver2 «WAY vuhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to move to and fro; flutter. 2. to vary in intensity; flicker: »a wavering light. 3. to grow fainter, then louder, or change pitch up and down fairly …

    Useful english dictionary