boiled meat

  • 81bully — bully1 bullyable, adj. /bool ee/, n., pl. bullies, v., bullied, bullying, adj., interj. n. 1. a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. 2. Archaic. a man hired to do violence. 3 …


  • 82pot-au-feu — /paw toh fue /, n. French Cookery. a dish of boiled meat and vegetables, the broth of which is usually served separately. [1785 95; < F: lit., pot on the fire] * * * …


  • 83Charlemagne — • Biography of the emperor covering his political, military, and religious entanglements Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Charlemagne     Charlemagne      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 84less — 1. adverb /lɛs/ a) To smaller extent This is a less bad solution than I thought possible. b) In lower degree Ant: more 2. adjective /lɛs/ a) Smaller …


  • 85opsonin — Any blood serum protein that binds to antigens, enhancing phagocytosis ( e.g., C3b of the complement system, specific antibodies). [G. opson, boiled meat, provisions, fr. hepso, to boil, + in] common o. SYN: normal o.. immune o …

    Medical dictionary

  • 86Irish stew — stew of boiled meat and vegetables …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 87Charlemagne — (742 814)    The greatest king of the Middle Ages, Charlemagne forged a powerful empire during his long reign from 768 to 814 and left an indelible mark on his age and the generations to come. The son of Pippin the Short, the first Carolingian&#8230; …

    Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe

  • 88bully — I bul•ly [[t]ˈbʊl i[/t]] n. pl. lies, 1) a quarrelsome, overbearing person who badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people 2) archaic a man hired to do violence 3) Obsolete. a) a pimp b) a good friend; good fellow c) a sweetheart 4) to&#8230; …

    From formal English to slang

  • 89pot-au-feu — fr. [[t]pɔ toʊˈfœ[/t]] n. pl. pot au feu coo a dish of boiled meat and vegetables • Etymology: 1785–95; &LT; F: lit., pot on the fire …

    From formal English to slang

  • 90stock — [[t]stɒk[/t]] n. 1) bus a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, manufacturer, etc.; inventory 2) a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use 3) livestock 4) sbz a) a theatrical stock company b) the work or&#8230; …

    From formal English to slang