bosom companion

  • 51De tribus puellis — or The Three Girls is an anonymous medieval Latin poem, a narrative elegiac comedy (or fabliau) written probably in France during the twelfth or early thirteenth century. The metre (elegiac couplets) and theme (love) are modelled so thoroughly on …


  • 52Luther, Martin — • Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Luther, Martin      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 53Luther —     Martin Luther     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Martin Luther     Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546.     His father, Hans, was a… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 54Martin Luther —     Martin Luther     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Martin Luther     Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546.     His father, Hans, was a… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 55Last Supper in Christian art — The Last Supper, by Bouveret, 1896 The Last Supper of Jesus and the Twelve Apostles has been a popular subject in Christian art,[1] often as part of a cycle showing the Life of Christ …


  • 56friend — Synonyms and related words: Maecenas, acquaintance, adherent, advocate, ally, alter ego, amigo, angel, associate, baby, backer, beau, bedfellow, benefactor, best friend, bird, boon companion, bosom buddy, bosom friend, boyfriend, chum, co worker …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 57intimate — Synonyms and related words: absolute, acquaintance, acquainted with, adumbrate, advocate, affectionate, allegorize, allied, allude to, alter ego, amigo, anonymous, approaching, approximate, approximating, arm in arm, assembled, associate,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 58friend — noun 1) a close friend Syn: companion, soul mate, intimate, confidante, confidant, familiar, alter ego, second self, playmate, playfellow, classmate, schoolmate, workmate; ally, associate; sister, brother; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 59shadow — 1. noun 1) he saw her shadow in the doorway Syn: silhouette, outline, shape, contour, profile 2) (shadows) he emerged from the shadows Syn: shade, darkness, twilight; …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 60familiar — adj 1. known, well known, common, frequent, repeated; habitual, accustomed, customary, wonted, traditional, conventional; usual, ordinary, everyday, commonplace, trite, stock, cliche1, hackneyed. 2.Usu. familiar with conversant with, acquainted… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder