cast reproach upon

  • 11disgrace — Synonyms and related words: abasement, abomination, asperse, aspersion, atrocity, bad, belittle, belittling, besmirch, black eye, black mark, blacken, blemish, blot, brand, bring down, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, burning… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 12pillory — Synonyms and related words: Oregon boat, attaint, bespatter, bilbo, blacken, blot, blow upon, bond, bonds, brand, branks, bridle, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bring to account, bring to book, call to account, camisole, cast… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 13asperse — v. a. Vilify, slander, calumniate, traduce, defame, disparage, slur, censure, impugn, malign, revile, lampoon, backbite, attack, abuse, blacken, blemish, besmirch, bespatter, befoul, defile, run down, detract from, speak ill of, accuse falsely,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 14defrock — Synonyms and related words: boot, bounce, break, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bump, bust, can, cashier, cast reproach upon, debase, deconsecrate, degrade, demote, deplume, depose, deprive, dethrone, disbar, discharge,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 15deplume — Synonyms and related words: abase, bleed, bleed white, boot, bounce, break, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bump, bust, can, cashier, cast reproach upon, debase, defrock, degrade, demote, denude, depose, deprive, despoil,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 16discredit — Synonyms and related words: agnosticism, asperse, aspersion, atheism, bad character, bad name, bad odor, bad report, bad reputation, bad repute, belie, belittle, besmirch, blacken, blemish, blot, blow sky high, blow up, brand, bring down, bring… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 17dishonor — Synonyms and related words: abase, abuse, affront, aspersion, bad character, bad debt, bad name, bad odor, bad report, bad reputation, bad repute, belittlement, black mark, blemish, blot, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, call… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 18unfrock — Synonyms and related words: boot, bounce, break, bring into discredit, bring low, bring shame upon, bump, bust, can, cashier, cast reproach upon, debase, deconsecrate, defrock, degrade, demote, deplume, depose, deprive, dethrone, disbar,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 19lash — I (attack verbally) verb admonish, animadvert upon, assail, berate, betongue, blackguard, cast reproach upon, castigate, chastise, chide, criticize severly, decry, excoriate, exprobrate, flay, fulminate against, impugn, increpate, inveigh,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 20expostulate — I verb admonish, advise against, animadvert upon, appeal against, argue, attempt to divert, cast reproach upon, castigate, caution, chastise, chide, convince to the contrary, correct, declaim against, dehort, deter, disapprove, discourage,… …

    Law dictionary