contingency hap

  • 61chance — I n 1. fortuity, serendipity, happenstance, mere chance, happy chance; luck, Lady Luck, fortune or Fortune, Lady or Dame Fortune, wheels of fortune or chance, heads or tails, roll, Inf. cast or toss or throw of the dice; accident, coincidence,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 62fortuity — n 1. chance, mere chance, happy chance, happenstance, serendipity; accident, coincidence, contingency, contingence; uncertainty, potluck, blind faith; luck, good luck, Lady Luck, fortune or Fortune, good fortune, wheels of fortune, heads or tails …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 63occasion — n 1. time, instance, case; juncture, point, place, spot, position, setting; circumstance, condition, situation; conjuncture, set of circumstances or affairs. 2. occurrence, incident, episode, experience, adventure, event; affair, function,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 64serendipity — n chance, fortuity, fortuitousness, happenstance, hap, mere chance, happy chance; luck, Lady Luck, fortune, Lady or Dame Fortune, wheels of fortune or chance, heads or tails, roll or toss of the dice; accident, coincidence, irony, contingency …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder