etc. See under 1

  • 101Sibson fascia etc. — Sib·son fascia, etc. (sibґsən) [Francis Sibson, English physician, 1814–1876] see under furrow, groove, and notch, and see membrana suprapleuralis, musculus scalenus minimus, and vestibule of aorta …

    Medical dictionary

  • 102Stensen canal duct etc. — Sten·sen canal, duct, etc. (stenґsən) [Niels Stensen (Nicolaus Steno), Danish physician, anatomist in Italy, 1638–1686] see under experiment and plexus, and see canales incisivi, ductus parotideus, and foramina incisiva …

    Medical dictionary

  • 103Stilling canal etc. — Stil·ling canal, etc. (shtilґing) [Benedict Stilling, German anatomist, 1810–1879] see canalis hyaloideus and nucleus thoracicus posterior and see under fiber and fleece …

    Medical dictionary

  • 104Sylvius angle fissure etc. — Syl·vi·us angle, fissure, etc. (silґve əs) [Franciscus Sylvius (Franзois de la Bцe), Dutch physician, anatomist, and physiologist, 1614–1672] see under angle, and see aqueductus mesencephali, fossa lateralis cerebri, cavum septi… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 105Tornwaldt (Thornwaldt) abscess bursa (cyst) etc. — Torn·waldt (Thorn·waldt) abscess, bursa (cyst), etc. (tornґvahlt) [Gustav Ludwig Tornwaldt (or Thornwaldt), German physician, 1843–1910] see under abscess and bursitis, and see bursa pharyngealis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 106Valsalva maneuver (experiment method test) etc. — Val·sal·va maneuver (experiment, method, test), etc. (vahl sahlґvə) [Antonio Maria Valsalva, Italian anatomist, 1666–1723] see under maneuver, and see sinus aortae …

    Medical dictionary

  • 107Vater ampulla fold etc. — Va·ter ampulla, fold, etc. (fahґter) [Abraham Vater, German anatomist, 1684–1751] see under fold and see ampulla hepatopancreatica and papilla duodeni major …

    Medical dictionary

  • 108Weitbrecht cartilage cord (ligament) etc. — Weit·brecht cartilage, cord (ligament), etc. (vītґbrekt) [Josias Weitbrecht, German anatomist in Russia, 1702–1747] see chorda obliqua membranae interosseae antebrachii and discus articularis articulationis acromioclavicularis, and see… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 109Willis circle cord etc. — Wil·lis circle, cord, etc. (wilґis) [Thomas Willis, English anatomist and physician, 1621–1675] see circulus arteriosus cerebri and nervus accessorius, and see under cord and paracusis …

    Medical dictionary

  • 110ā̆ĝher-, ā̆ĝhen-, ā̆ĝhes- (or ōĝ her etc) (*dā̆ ĝ hen) —     ā̆ĝher , ā̆ĝhen , ā̆ĝhes (or ōĝ her etc) (*dā̆ ĝ hen)     English meaning: day     Deutsche Übersetzung: “Tag”     Grammatical information: Heteroclite NeutRom.     Material: O.Ind. áhar, áhaḥ, gen. áhn as, Av. gen. pI. asn ąm “day”.… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary