etc. See under 1

  • 61Bichat fissure ligament etc. — Bi·chat fissure, ligament, etc. (be shahґ) [Marie Franзois Xavier Bichat, French anatomist and physiologist, 1771–1802, founder of scientific histology and pathological anatomy] see under ligament, see fenestrated membrane under membrane, and… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 62Bowman capsule etc. — Bow·man capsule, etc. (boґmən) [Sir William Bowman, English physician, 1816–1892] see under probe and tube; see capsular space, under space; and see capsula glomeruli, lamina limitans anterior corneae, musculus ciliaris, and glandulae… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 63Cajal bodies etc. — Ca·jal bodies, etc. (kah hahlґ) [Santiago Ramуn y Cajal, Spanish physician, histologist, and Nobel prize winner, 1852–1934] see under body and cell, see nucleus interstitialis, and see Stains and Staining Methods, under stain …

    Medical dictionary

  • 64Cowper cyst gland etc. — Cow·per cyst, gland, etc. (kouґpər) [William Cowper, English surgeon, 1666–1709] see under syringocele; see ductus glandulae bulbourethralis, glandula bulbourethralis; and see pectineal fascia, under fascia …

    Medical dictionary

  • 65Cruveilhier atrophy disease etc. — Cru·veil·hier atrophy, disease, etc. (kroo vāl yaґ) [Jean Cruveilhier, French pathologist, 1791–1874] see spinal muscular atrophy under atrophy; see articulatio atlanto occipitalis, tela subcutanea perinei, ligamenta palmaria… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 66Dupuytren contracture (disease) fracture etc. — Du·puy·tren contracture (disease), fracture, etc. (du pwe trahґ) [Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, French surgeon, 1777–1835] see under contracture, fracture, hydrocele, sign, and suture; see shoulder disarticulation, under disarticulation; and see… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 67Gowers tract (column fasciculus) etc. — Gow·ers tract (column, fasciculus), etc. (gouґərz) [Sir William Richard Gowers, English neurologist, 1845–1915] see under sign and solution, see tractus spinocerebellaris anterior, and see vasovagal syncope, under syncope …

    Medical dictionary

  • 68Hutchinson facies mask etc. — Hutch·in·son facies, mask, etc. (huchґin sən) [Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, English surgeon, 1828–1913] see under facies, mask, pupil, sign, tooth, and triad; see angioma serpiginosum and lentigo maligna; and see salmon patch (def. 1), under… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 69Marchi balls etc. — Mar·chi balls, etc. (mahrґke) [Vittorio Marchi, Italian physician, 1851–1908] see under ball, globule, and reaction, see tractus tectospinalis, and see Stains and Staining Methods, under stain …

    Medical dictionary

  • 70MÑŒller capsule duct etc. — MÑŒl·ler capsule, duct, etc. (meґler) [Johannes Peter MÑŒller, German physiologist, 1801–1858, the founder of scientific medicine in Germany] see capsula glomeruli and ganglion superius nervi glossopharyngei; see paramesonephric duct, under… …

    Medical dictionary