etc. See under 1

  • 71Osler disease maneuver nodes etc. — Os·ler disease, maneuver, nodes, etc. (ōsґlər) [Sir William Osler, Canadian born physician, 1849–1919; successively professor of medicine in McGill University, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, and the… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 72Parrot atrophy of newborn pseudoparalysis etc. — Par·rot atrophy of newborn, pseudoparalysis, etc. (pah roґ) [Joseph Marie Jules Parrot, French physician, 1829–1883] see under pseudoparalysis and sign, see marasmus, and see ciliospinal reflex, under reflex …

    Medical dictionary

  • 73Rathke column cysts duct etc. — Rath·ke column, cysts, duct, etc. (rahtґkə) [Martin Heinrich Rathke, German anatomist, 1793–1860] see under column, cyst, duct, fold, and pouch, see craniopharyngioma, and see trabeculae cranii, under trabecula …

    Medical dictionary

  • 74Rolando angle cells etc. — Ro·lan·do angle, cells, etc. (ro lahnґdo) [L. Rolando] see under angle, cell, and line; see motor area, under area; and see sulcus centralis cerebri and tuberculum trigeminale …

    Medical dictionary

  • 75Scarpa fascia etc. — Scar·pa fascia, etc. (skahrґpah) [Antonio Scarpa, Italian anatomist and surgeon, 1747–1832] see under fascia and foramen; see posterior staphyloma under staphyloma; and see cornu superius marginis falciformis, ganglion vestibulare, membrana… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 76Cushing disease response (phenomenon reflex) etc. — Cush·ing disease, response (phenomenon, reflex), etc. (kooshґing) [Harvey Williams Cushing, American surgeon, 1869–1939] see under disease, response, syndrome, and ulcer. See also equine Cushing disease, under disease …

    Medical dictionary

  • 77Erb spastic paraplegia etc. — (erb) [Wilhelm Heinrich Erb, German neurologist, 1840–1921] see under paraplegia and point, see primary lateral sclerosis under sclerosis, and see Duchenne muscular dystrophy, under dystrophy …

    Medical dictionary

  • 78Ferrein canal ligament etc. — Fer·rein canal, ligament, etc. (fer ăґ) [Antoine Ferrein, French physician, 1693–1769] see under ligament and tubule and see rivus lacrimalis and radii medullares (under radius) …

    Medical dictionary

  • 79Gunn crossing sign dots pupil etc. — (gun) [Robert Marcus Gunn, British ophthalmologist, 1850–1909] see under dot, sign, and syndrome; see Marcus Gunn pupil, under pupil; and see Marcus Gunn pupillary phenomenon, under phenomenon …

    Medical dictionary

  • 80Lichtheim plaques sign etc. — Licht·heim plaques, sign, etc. (liktґhīm) [Ludwig Lichtheim, German physician, 1845–1928] see under plaque, sign, and test, and see subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord, under degeneration …

    Medical dictionary