faculty of thought

  • 1Thought — Thought, n. [OE. [thorn]oght, [thorn]ouht, AS. [thorn][=o]ht, ge[thorn][=o]ht, fr. [thorn]encean to think; akin to D. gedachte thought, MHG. d[=a]ht, ged[=a]ht, Icel. [thorn][=o]ttr, [thorn][=o]tti. See {Think}.] 1. The act of thinking; the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 2thought — thought1 /thawt/, n. 1. the product of mental activity; that which one thinks: a body of thought. 2. a single act or product of thinking; idea or notion: to collect one s thoughts. 3. the act or process of thinking; mental activity: Thought as… …


  • 3thought — 1. n. 1 the process or power of thinking; the faculty of reason. 2 a way of thinking characteristic of or associated with a particular time, people, group, etc. (medieval European thought). 3 sober reflection or consideration (gave it much… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 4thought — I [[t]θɔt[/t]] n. 1) the product of mental activity; that which one thinks: a body of thought[/ex] 2) a single act or product of thinking; idea or notion: to collect one s thoughts[/ex] 3) the act or process of thinking; mental activity;… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 5thought — I. /θɔt / (say thawt) verb 1. past tense and past participle of think1. –noun 2. the product of mental activity; that which one thinks. 3. a single act or product of thinking; an idea or notion: to collect one s thoughts. 4. the act or process of …

  • 6thought — 1. The faculty of reasoning. 2. The process or act of thinking. 3. The result of thinking. t. broadcasting the delusion of experiencing one s thoughts, as they occur, as being broadcast from one s head to the external world where other people can …

    Medical dictionary

  • 7Paris arts faculty (The): Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Radulphus Brito — The Paris arts faculty: Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Radulphus Brito Sten Ebbesen Throughout the thirteenth century Paris overshadowed all other universities in the arts as in theology. This chapter will deal almost exclusively with Paris …

    History of philosophy

  • 8History of economic thought — The history of economic thought deals with different thinkers and theories in the field of political economy and economics from the ancient world to the present day. British philosopher Adam Smith is cited by many as the father of modern… …


  • 9Committee on Social Thought — The Committee on Social Thought is one of several PhD granting committees at the University of Chicago. It was started in 1941 by historian John Ulric Nef along with economist Frank Knight, anthropologist Robert Redfield, and University President …


  • 10Language of thought — Jerry A. Fodor s Language of Thought (LOT) hypothesis states that cognition and cognitive processes are only remotely plausible when expressed as computational in terms of representational systems. He uses empirical data drawn from linguistics… …
