fraudulently cunning
1trickish — a. Knavish, artful, deceitful, wily, dishonest, roguish, unprincipled, tricky, fraudulently cunning, mischievously subtle …
2fraud — n [Latin fraud fraus] 1 a: any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage; specif: a misrepresentation or concealment with reference to some fact material to a transaction that is made with… …
3Sigmund Freud — Freud redirects here. For other uses, see Freud (disambiguation). Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud, by Max Halberstadt, 1921 …
4List of Cluedo characters — The board game Cluedo (Clue in North America) and the associated 1985 film Clue, contains six murder suspects, all of whom survived into the final 2002 edition of the game. They typically represent types, or stock characters, of European and… …
5surreptitious — I adjective artful, clandestine, clandestinus, concealed, conniving, covert, crafty, cunning, deceitful, deceptive, delitescent, disguised, done by stealth, evasive, faked, fraudulently introduced, furtive, furtivus, guileful, hidden, indirect,… …
6deception — 1 Deception, fraud, double dealing, trickery, chicane, chicanery mean the act or practice of, or the means used by, one who deliberately deceives in order to accomplish his ends. Deception may or may not imply blameworthiness, for it may be used… …