from Boeotia

  • 121Antigonus II Gonatas — (lit. knock knees ) (Greek Αντίγονος B΄ Γονατᾶς ca. 319 BC 239 BC) was a powerful ruler who firmly established the Antigonid dynasty in Macedonia and acquired fame for his victory over the Gauls who had invaded the Balkans. His political… …


  • 122Ionians — The Ionians (Greek: Polytonic|Ἴωνες, Iōnes, singular Polytonic|Ἴων) were one of the three populations into which the ancient Greeks considered the population of Hellenes to have been divided. Ionian with reference to populations had two senses in …


  • 123Daidala — (Greek: τὰ Δαίδαλα) is a Greek festival of reconciliation that was held every four (or seven[citation needed]) years in honor of Hera at Plataea in Boeotia. Every fourteen cycles a Great Daidala was celebrated all over Boeotia. In the great… …


  • 124Davleia — Daulia redirects here. For the genus of crambid moths, see Daulia (moth). Davleia Δαύλεια Location …


  • 125Oinofyta — Οινόφυτα Location …


  • 126Theban pederasty — was a social institution by means of which upper class Theban adolescent boys were educated and entered into adult responsibilities through a love and sexual relationship with an adult aristocrat. It is thought to have either been introduced at… …


  • 127Lake Copais — Location of Lake Copais in antiquity. Lake Copais, Kopais, or Kopaida (ancient Greek Κωπαΐς, modern Κωπαΐδα) used to be in the centre of Boeotia, Greece, west of Thebes until the late 19th century. The area where it was located, though now a… …


  • 128Archaic Greek alphabets — Greek alphabet Αα Alpha Νν Nu Ββ Beta …
