give way to

  • 11give way — v. (d; intr.) ( to yield ) to give way to (reason gave way to hysteria) * * * (d; intr.) ( to yield ) to give way to (reason gave way to hysteria) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 12give way — verb a) To yield to persistent persuasion. The mother gave way to her crying child. b) To collapse or break under physical stresses. After years of neglect, the rusty old bridge could give way at any time …


  • 13give way — 1》 yield. 2》 (of a support or structure) be unable to carry a load or withstand a force and collapse or break. 3》 Brit. allow someone or something to be or go first. 4》 (give way to) be replaced or superseded by. → way …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 14give way — to break or fall down suddenly. Those wooden steps are old, and I m afraid one of them will give way, so we need to replace them this weekend …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 15give way — In the rules of navigation, one vessel is said to give way to another when she deviates from her course in such a manner and to such an extent as to allow the other to pass without altering her course …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 16give way — In the rules of navigation, one vessel is said to give way to another when she deviates from her course in such a manner and to such an extent as to allow the other to pass without altering her course …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 17give way to something — give way to (something) to be replaced by something. My excitement gave way to fear when I drove a car for the first time …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 18give way — 1) the government gave way and passed the bill Syn: yield, back down, surrender, capitulate, concede defeat, give in, submit, succumb; acquiesce, agree, assent; informal throw in the towel/sponge, cave in 2) the door gave way Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 19give way to — {v. phr.} 1a. To make room for; allow to go or pass; yield to. * /John gave way to the old lady and let her pass./ 1b. To allow to decide. * /Mrs. Rogers gave way lo her husband in buying the car./ 1c. To lose control of (your feelings), not hold …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 20give way to — {v. phr.} 1a. To make room for; allow to go or pass; yield to. * /John gave way to the old lady and let her pass./ 1b. To allow to decide. * /Mrs. Rogers gave way lo her husband in buying the car./ 1c. To lose control of (your feelings), not hold …

    Dictionary of American idioms