great exhilaration

  • 121gusto — [n] great enthusiasm appetite, appreciation, ardor, brio, delectation, delight, enjoyment, exhilaration, fervor, heart, liking, palate, passion, pleasure, relish, savor, taste, verve, zeal, zest; concepts 411,657 Ant. apathy, reluctance,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 122flush — flush1 [flush] vi. [complex of several words, with senses FLASH & ME flusshen, to fly up suddenly, blended with echoic elements; “flow” senses < ? or akin to OFr fluir (stem fluiss ), to flow] 1. to flow and spread suddenly and rapidly 2. to… …

    English World dictionary

  • 123exhilarate — (often as exhilarating adj. or exhilarated adj.) affect with great liveliness or joy; raise the spirits of. Derivatives: exhilarant adj. & n. exhilaratingly adv. exhilaration n. exhilarative adj. Etymology: L exhilarare (as EX (1), hilaris… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 124joyfulness — noun the emotion of great happiness • Syn: ↑joy, ↑joyousness • Ant: ↑sorrow (for: ↑joy) • Derivationally related forms: ↑joyful, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 125joyousness — noun the emotion of great happiness • Syn: ↑joy, ↑joyfulness • Ant: ↑sorrow (for: ↑joy) • Derivationally related forms: ↑joyful ( …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 126ex·hil·a·ra·tion — /ıgˌzıləˈreıʃən/ noun [noncount] : a feeling of great happiness and excitement I felt a kind of exhilaration when I reached the top of the mountain …

    Useful english dictionary