have capacity for

  • 81Oslo bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics — Bids for the 2018 Winter Olympics Overview Annecy · Munich · Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympics Details City Oslo …


  • 82Heat capacity rate — The heat capacity rate is heat transfer terminology used in thermodynamics and different forms of engineering denoting the ability of a fluid to resist change in temperature as heat transfer occurs. It is typically denoted as C, listed from… …


  • 83Information and communication technologies for development — An OLPC class in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia …


  • 84New Partnership for Africa's Development — African Union This article is part of the series: Institutions Casablanca Group …


  • 85Hurricane preparedness for New Orleans — Hurricane preparedness in New Orleans has been an issue since the city s early settlement because of the city s location.New Orleans was built on a delta marsh. Unlike the first two centuries of its existence, today, a little less than half of… …


  • 86National College for School Leadership — National College for Leadership of Schools and Children s Services The college s Learning and Conference Centre in Nottingham Abbreviation NCLSCS Motto Inspiring leaders to improve children s lives …


  • 87Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars — The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (or Wilson Center) (located in Washington, D.C.) is a United States Presidential Memorial that was established as part of the Smithsonian Institution by an act of Congress in 1968. Named in… …


  • 88Work Capacity Test — The pack test, also known more officially as the Work Capacity Test (WCT), is a U.S. Forest Service physical test for wildland firefighters. The pack test is intentionally stressful as it tests the capacity of muscular strength and aerobic… …


  • 89Debate over China's economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation — Main article: Climate change in China This article documents the debate over China s economic responsibilities for climate change mitigation and mitigation of climate change in China. Both internationally and within the People s Republic of China …


  • 90Friends World Committee for Consultation — Friend World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) is a Quaker organization that works to communicate between all parts of Quakerism. FWCC s world headquarters is based in London [ [http://www.fwccworld.org/ FWCC World office homepage] ] . It has… …
