high words
1high words — plural noun Angry altercation • • • Main Entry: ↑high * * * plural n. archaic angry words high words passed between them …
2high words — Strife, contention, quarrel, angry dispute, bickering, war of words …
3high words — /haɪ ˈwɜdz/ (say huy werdz) plural noun Colloquial a heated argument; row …
4high — adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 a of great vertical extent (a high building). b (predic.; often in comb.) of a specified height (one inch high; water was waist high). 2 a far above ground or sea level etc. (a high altitude). b inland, esp. when raised… …
5High German consonant shift — High German subdivides into Upper German (green) and Central German (blue), and is distinguished from Low German (yellow) and Dutch. The main isoglosses, the Benrath and Speyer lines, are marked in black. In historical linguistics, the High… …
6High Icelandic — or Hyper Icelandic ( Háíslenska or Háfrónska ) is an artificial language started by the Belgian Jozef Braekmans, aimed at removing loan words from the modern Icelandic language. Its vocabulary is described by its creator as an ultra purist… …
7High Cross, Leicestershire — High Cross is the crossroads of the Roman Roads of Watling Street and Fosse Way in Leicestershire, England. It is located about a mile west of the village of Claybrooke Magna and was located in the hundred of Guthlaxton. It was the site of a… …
8High yellow — High yellow, occasionally simply yellow (dialect: yaller, yeller), is a term for very light skinned multiracial people who also have African ancestry. It is a reference to the golden yellow skin tone of some mixed race people. The term was in… …
9high — high, tall, lofty mean above the average in height. High, the general term (opposed to low), implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation {a high hill} {a high building} or are placed at a… …
10High school — is the name used in some parts of the world (in particular Scotland, North America and Australia) to describe an institution which provides all or part of secondary education. The term originates in Scotland and spread to the New World countries… …