hypocritically devout
1Sanctimonious — Sanc ti*mo ni*ous, a. [See {Sanctimony}.] 1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. Like the sanctimonious pirate. Shak. [1913… …
2Sanctimoniously — Sanctimonious Sanc ti*mo ni*ous, a. [See {Sanctimony}.] 1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. Like the sanctimonious pirate. Shak …
3Sanctimoniousness — Sanctimonious Sanc ti*mo ni*ous, a. [See {Sanctimony}.] 1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. Like the sanctimonious pirate. Shak …
4sanctimonious — a. Pharisaical, affectedly holy, hypocritically devout …
5goody-goody — adj 1. self righteous, righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritically devout, holier than the Pope, holier than thou; affected, overnice, overpre cise, overrefined, namby pamby; hypocritical, false, insincere, canting, Pecksniffian, mealy mouthed. n 2 …
6sanctimoniousness — noun the quality of being hypocritically devout • Syn: ↑sanctimony • Derivationally related forms: ↑sanctimonious (for: ↑sanctimony), ↑sanctimonious • Hypernyms: ↑ …
7sanctimony — noun the quality of being hypocritically devout • Syn: ↑sanctimoniousness • Derivationally related forms: ↑sanctimonious, ↑sanctimonious (for: ↑sanctimoniousness) • Hypernyms: ↑ …
8pious — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. devout (see piety). Ant., impious. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Religious] Syn. religious, divine, holy, devout; see religious 2 . 2. [Divine] Syn. hallowed, sacred, holy; see divine 2 . 3. [Related… …
9Frum — For people with this surname, see Frum (surname). Frum ( yi. פֿרום; [frum | frim] ), from the German fromm , meaning devout or pious , is a Yiddish word meaning committed to be observant of the 613 Mitzvot, or Jewish commandments, specifically of …
10Anti-French sentiment in the United States — is the manifestation of Francophobia by Americans. It signifies a consistent hostility towards the government, culture, and people of France that employs stereotypes.Understanding anti French sentimentsAs with any foreign country phobia ,… …