laying open to public view

  • 31Chest of Saint Simeon — The Silver Chest of Saint Simeon A replica of the chest as seen in the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Under protection of UNESCO Description Author: Date: Place …


  • 32exposure — Synonyms and related words: ASA exposure index, DIN number, PR, acquaintance, airing, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, aspect, attitude, avatar, azimuth, ballyhoo, baring, bearing, bearings, blurb, bright light, bringing to …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 33exposure — /ik spoh zheuhr/, n. 1. the act of exposing. 2. the fact or state of being exposed. 3. disclosure, as of something private or secret: the exposure of their invasion plans. 4. an act or instance of revealing or unmasking, as an impostor, crime, or …


  • 34show — [shō] vt. showed, shown or showed, showing [ME schewen < OE sceawian, akin to Ger schauen, to look at < IE base * (s)keu , to notice, heed > L cavere, to beware, OE hieran, to HEAR] 1. to bring or put in sight or view; cause or allow to… …

    English World dictionary

  • 35Lawrence Morris — Colonel Lawrence J. Morris is a lawyer and an officer in the United States Army.cite news url= TDS HQ title=Chief, United States Army Trial Defense Service The Judge… …


  • 36reveal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. disclose, show, divulge, announce, display, exhibit, expose, bare. See disclosure, visibility. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To make known] Syn. disclose, divulge, tell, betray, betray a confidence,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 37exposure — /əkˈspoʊʒə/ (say uhk spohzhuh), /ɛk / (say ek ) noun 1. the act of exposing. 2. disclosure, as of something private or secret. 3. revealing or unmasking, as of crime, fraud, an impostor, etc. 4. presentation to view, especially in an open or… …

  • 38Chharabra —   village   Himalayas view from Chharabra …


  • 39Human torpedo — CGI image of human torpedo: British Mk 1 chariot ridden by two frogmen with UBA rebreathers Human torpedoes or manned torpedoes are a type of rideable submarine used as secret naval weapons in World War II. The basic design is still in use today; …


  • 40exposure — noun 1) the exposure of the lizard s vivid blue tongue Syn: revealing, revelation, uncovering, baring, laying bare 2) exposure to harmful chemicals Syn: subjection, vulnerability, laying open 3) suffering from exposure …

    Thesaurus of popular words