literary thief

  • 11plagiarist — n. 1. Plagiary, literary thief. 2. Plagiarism, crime of literary theft …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 12Plagiarist — Pla gia*rist, n. One who plagiarizes, or purloins the words, writings, or ideas of another, and passes them off as his own; a literary thief; a plagiary. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 13plagiarist — noun One who plagiarizes; or purloins the words, writings, or ideas of another, and passes them off as his or her own; a literary thief; a plagiary …


  • 14plagiarize — [17] Latin plagium meant ‘kidnapping’ – it was a derivative of plaga ‘net’. From it was formed plagārius ‘kidnapper’, which was used metaphorically by the epigrammatist Martial for ‘literary thief’ – the sense in which the word reached English …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 15plagiarism — (n.) 1620s, with ISM (Cf. ism) + plagiary plagiarist, from L. plagiarius kidnapper, seducer, plunderer, used in the sense of literary thief by Martial, from plagium kidnapping, from plaga snare, net, from PIE root *p(e)lag flat, spread out (see… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 16plagiarize — (v.) 1716, with IZE (Cf. ize) + plagiary plagiarist (1590s), from plagiarius one who kidnaps the child or slave of another, also a literary thief, from plagiare to kidnap (see PLAGIARISM (Cf. plagiarism)). Related: Plagiarized; plagiarizing …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 17plagiarize — [17] Latin plagium meant ‘kidnapping’ – it was a derivative of plaga ‘net’. From it was formed plagārius ‘kidnapper’, which was used metaphorically by the epigrammatist Martial for ‘literary thief’ – the sense in which the word reached English …

    Word origins

  • 18plagiary — [plā′jərē, plā′jē ərē] n. pl. plagiaries [L plagiarius, kidnapper, literary thief < plagium, kidnapping < plaga, hunting net, snare < IE * plāg , to spread out: see PELAGIC] 1. archaic var. of PLAGIARIST 2. PLAGIARISM …

    English World dictionary

  • 19pla|gia|rism — «PLAY juh rihz uhm», noun. 1. the act of plagiarizing: »If an author is once detected in borrowing, he will be suspected of plagiarism ever after (William Hazlitt). 2. something plagiarized; an idea, expression, plot, or the like, taken from… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 20pla|gia|ry — «PLAY juhr ee», noun, plural ries. 1. = plagiarism. (Cf. ↑plagiarism) 2. = plagiarist. (Cf. ↑plagiarist) ╂[< Latin plagiārius literary thief; see etym. under plagiarism (Cf. ↑plagiarism)] …

    Useful english dictionary