make suitable or proper

  • 21fit — I. /fɪt / (say fit) adjective (fitter, fittest) 1. well adapted or suited: a fit choice. 2. proper or becoming. 3. qualified or competent, as for an office or function: a person fit for the job. 4. worthy or deserving: not fit to be seen. 5.… …

  • 22Parents — • Considers the duties of parents toward their children, and vice versa Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Parents     Parents     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 23Cutting (plant) — Rooting redirects here. For the Android OS concept, see Rooting (Android OS). Plant cuttings can be taken by cutting a stem of a plant, or a single leaf. Plant cutting, also known as striking or cloning, is a technique for vegetatively… …


  • 24Military Order of the Dragon — Medal of the Military Order of the Dragon. The Military Order of the Dragon. The purpose was to record the history and conserve the memory of the military campaign in China in the year 1900. Provision being made for admitting to honorary… …


  • 25History of religion in the United States — The religious history of the United States begins more than a century before the former British colonies became the United States of America in 1776.Some of the original settlers were men and women of deep religious convictions. The religious… …


  • 26temper — [tem′pər] vt. [ME tempren < OE temprian & OFr temprer, both < L temperare, to observe proper measure, mix, regulate, forbear < tempus (gen. temporis), time, period, orig., a span < IE * tempos, a span < * temp , to pull < base * …

    English World dictionary

  • 27meet — 1. v. & n. v. (past and past part. met) 1 a tr. encounter (a person or persons) by accident or design; come face to face with. b intr. (of two or more people) come into each other s company by accident or design (decided to meet on the bridge). 2 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 28meet — meet1 meeter, n. /meet/, v., met, meeting, n. v.t. 1. to come upon; come into the presence of; encounter: I would meet him on the street at unexpected moments. 2. to become acquainted with; be introduced to: I ve never met your cousin. 3. to join …


  • 29meet — I. /mit / (say meet) verb (met, meeting) –verb (t) 1. to come into contact, junction, or connection with. 2. to come before or to (the eye, gaze, ear, etc.). 3. to come into the company of: I met him in the street; I ll meet you at the restaurant …

  • 30tem´per|er — tem|per «TEHM puhr», noun, verb. –n. 1. state of mind; disposition; mood: »She has a sweet temper. She was in no temper to be kept waiting. SYNONYM(S): humor. See syn. under disposition. (Cf. ↑disposition) …

    Useful english dictionary