national obligations
1Identity Around the World. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 138 , Seth Schwartz J.
Examine the structure and context of identity development in a number of different countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China, and Japan. While some identity development… 2263.37 руб электронная книга2Identity Around the World. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 138 , Seth Schwartz J.
Examine the structure and context of identity development in a number of different countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China, and Japan. While some identity development… 2238.84 руб электронная книга3Ethics in Health Services and Policy. A Global Approach , Dean Harris M.
This comprehensive textbook analyzes the ethical issues of health and health care in global perspective. Ideal for students of public health, medicine, nursing and allied health professions, public… 6634.03 руб электронная книга4Cybersecurity Law , Jeff Kosseff
A definitive guide to cybersecurity law Expanding on the author’s experience as a cybersecurity lawyer and law professor, Cybersecurity Law is the definitive guide to cybersecurity law, with an… 8879.91 руб электронная книга