not firm

  • 31firm*/*/*/ — [fɜːm] noun [C] I a business, or a company a building/engineering/law firm[/ex] a firm of accountants/architects/solicitors[/ex] II adj firm */*/[fɜːm] 1) solid but not hard Ant: soft a firm mattress[/ex] 2) definite and not changing Have you set …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 32firm — /fɜ:m/ noun a company, business or partnership ● a manufacturing firm ● an important publishing firm ● She is a partner in a law firm. ■ adjective 1. which cannot be changed ● to make a firm offer for something ● to place a firm order for two… …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 33firm — 1. adj., adv., & v. adj. 1 a of solid or compact structure. b fixed, stable. c steady; not shaking. 2 a resolute, determined. b not easily shaken (firm belief). c steadfast, constant (a firm friend). 3 a (of an offer etc.) not liable to… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34Firm-specific infrastructure — In macro economics the term infrastructure usually refers to public infrastructure. That is, that which provides or supports state services. There is also firm specific infrastructure such as factories, private roads, capital equipment, and other …


  • 35firm — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, large, major ▪ medium sized ▪ small ▪ well known ▪ …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 36firm price — A guaranteed price. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary * * * firm price firm price ➔ price1 * * * firm price UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE a price that has been arranged and that will not change: »While the mall s owners have put no… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 37Firm —   An association, company, corporation, estate, individual, joint venture, partnership, sole proprietorship, or any other entity, however organized, including: (a) charitable or educational institutions; (b) the Federal Government, including… …

    Energy terms

  • 38firm — 01. My wife works as a legal secretary in a large law [firm] downtown. 02. The [firm] where my uncle works hands out generous bonuses to all its employees at Christmas time. 03. I like to sleep on a very [firm] mattress, so a futon is perfect for …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 39firm — 1. . noun An organization established to undertake business or professional activity. A firm is not necessarily a *corporation, as the term covers *partnerships and other legal forms of economic unit. 2. adjective Not subjected to uncertainty or… …

    Auditor's dictionary

  • 40firm — /fa:m/ noun a company, business or partnership ● a manufacturing firm ● an important publishing firm ● Shee is a partner in a law firm. ■ adjective 1. which cannot be changed ● to make a firm offer for something ● to place a firm order for two… …

    Marketing dictionary in english