permission to pass

  • 31pass — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French passer, from Vulgar Latin *passare, from Latin passus step more at pace Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. move, proceed, go 2. a. to go away ; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 32Pass (United States military) — A pass is permission to be away from one s military unit for a limited period of time. Time away on a pass is not counted against leave, the annual allotment of days off from duty.Types of passes* Normal off duty hours mdash;granted to personnel… …


  • 33pass on — Synonyms and related words: OK, abalienate, accept, accredit, add a codicil, advance, affirm, alien, alienate, amen, amortize, approve, assign, authenticate, authorize, autograph, barter, be lost, bequeath, break, broadcast, carry over, cease to… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 34pass —   1. Movement. Mā alo, kā alo, aui, kaha, hala (pass by); holo, hala, kūnewa, au, uhaiāholo (as time); mā alo alo, ho okā alo, paiku (to and fro); ho oholo, kau, āpono (as a bill);    ♦ pass away, hala, nalo, nalohia, ha alele i ke ola, mā… …

    English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • 35pass key — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pass key : singular pass key plural pass keys 1) a key that opens all the locks in a building such as a hotel or office 2) a key to a place used for secret or dangerous activities, given only to people with… …

    English dictionary

  • 36permission — n 1. allowance, consent, assent; acquiescence, accedence, concession, Law. connivance; agreement, concurrence, accord, accordance, concordance; tolerance, toleration, sufferance, brooking, endurance. 2. liberty, license, leave, right,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 37pass — Noun: A short leave of absence for a person in military service. A license to enter a government office, industrial plant, military establishment, or reservation. Permission or license to ride on the conveyance of a carrier without payment of… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 38pass·word — /ˈpæsˌwɚd, Brit ˈpɑːsˌwəːd/ noun, pl words [count] 1 : a secret word or phrase that a person must know before being given permission to enter a place 2 : a secret series of numbers or letters that allows you to use a computer system You need to… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 39La Permission — is a 1967 French language novel written by Melvin Van Peebles which was turned into the film, The Story of a Three Day Pass . History By the late 1950s, Van Peebles had been involved filmmaking and had made two short films. He was unable to… …


  • 40kitchen pass — n. Permission from one s spouse to attend an event or go on an outing. Example Citations: Wolfgang Kern, 40, joined the free play [chess] tournament Saturday afternoon for a few quick games. He and his wife recently had their first child, so… …

    New words