practise legerdemain
1juggle — I. v. n. 1. Conjure, play tricks, practise jugglery, practise legerdemain. 2. Practise artifice, practise imposture, cheat. II. n. 1. Trick, piece of legerdemain. 2. Trick, imposture, imposition, deception, cheat, fraud …
2conjure — verb (conjured, conjuring) –verb (t) 1. /ˈkʌndʒə / (say kunjuh), /ˈkɒndʒə/ (say konjuh) to call upon or command (a devil or spirit) by invocation or spell. 2. /ˈkʌndʒə / (say kunjuh), /ˈkɒndʒə/ (say konjuh) to affect or influence by, or as by,… …
3trick — /trɪk / (say trik) noun 1. a crafty or fraudulent device, expedient, or proceeding; an artifice, stratagem, ruse, or wile. 2. a deceptive or illusory appearance; mere semblance. 3. a roguish or mischievous performance; prank: to play a trick on… …