prominent part
1prominent part — index highlight Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2prominent — [[t]prɒ̱mɪnənt[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is prominent is important. ...a prominent member of the Law Society. ...the children of very prominent or successful parents. Syn: well known 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is prominent is very… …
3prominent — prom|i|nent [ˈprɔmınənt US ˈpra: ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: , present participle of prominere to stick out ] 1.) important ▪ a prominent Russian scientist play a prominent part/role (in sth) ▪ Mandela played a prominent role in the… …
4prominent — prom|i|nent [ pramınənt ] adjective ** 1. ) important and well known: The order was given by a prominent member of the government. She is likely to play a prominent part in the presidential campaign. prominent in: Vincente s family was prominent… …
5prominent */*/ — UK [ˈprɒmɪnənt] / US [ˈprɑmɪnənt] adjective 1) important and well known The order was given by a prominent member of the government. She is likely to play a prominent part in the presidential campaign. prominent in: Vincente s family was… …
6prominent — ⇒PROMINENT, ENTE, adj. Vx. Synon. de proéminent. Rocher prominent, colline prominente au dessus des autres (Ac. 1798 1878). Si le pus au contraire se porte vers l extérieur, il forme un abcès prominent, qu il faut promptement ouvrir (GEOFFROY,… …
7prominent — »hervorragend, bedeutend, maßgebend, weithin bekannt«: Das Adjektiv wurde im 19. Jh. aus lat. prominens »vorspringend, hervorragend« entlehnt, dem adjektivisch verwendeten Part. Präs. von lat. pro minere »vorspringen, hervorragen« (vgl. 1↑ pro …
8prominent — prestigeträchtig; von Rang und Namen (umgangssprachlich); prestigevoll; reputabel; berühmt; bekannt; namhaft * * * pro|mi|nent [promi nɛnt] <Adj.>: beruflich oder gesellschaftlich großes öffentliches Ansehen genießend: prominente… …
9Prominent Americans series — The Prominent Americans series is a set of definitive stamps issued by the United States Post Office Department (and later the United States Postal Service) between 1965 and 1978.It superseded the Liberty issue of 1954, which by the mid 1960s had …
10Pärt, Arvo — (11 September 1935, Paide, Estonia) While supporting himself with music for theater and film, Pärt first attracted great attention and political reprobation with Credo (1968) for chorus, orchestra, and piano. He then developed a new homophonic …